Level Up

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

Level Up Children's & Youth Ministry serves all youth ages 18 (high school seniors) and under.  
Our Vision
To see all youth from Pre-K to high-school aged accept Jesus Christ as Lord and/or develop a personal relationship with Christ before they graduate.

Our Mission
 To create a vibrant atmosphere of godly training where youth are taught to cultivate a relationship with Christ, learn biblical principles and develop social skills that will equip them to be an example of Christ in love, faith & purity.
1 Tim 4:12


Every 3rd & 4th Sunday's
Church Gymnasium

Weekly Events: Bible study for all youth ages 5-17
5:30pm eat, Class 6:00pm
Ministry rehearsals (choir or dance)
 6:30pm on Wednesdays